When is an island not an island?

When is an island not an island?
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When is an island not an island?

When it’s the spectacular tidal Holy Island on the Northumberland coast! I am currently working with travel and transport consultants Martin Higgitt Associates and PJA to develop a sustainable travel and transport strategy for the Island, commissioned by the Northumberland Coast National Landscape team. I’m looking specifically at the visitor experience and visitor management aspects of the strategy, exploring how the ways people travel to and around Holy Island contributes to the quality of their experience.

Tens of thousands of visitors flock to Holy Island every year, mostly on a day visit. Because the island is tidal, car-borne visitors arrive in waves (pardon the pun) as the causeway opens and closes. Not surprisingly, numbers peak during sunny days in high summer, and the result can be overwhelming for residents and businesses and less satisfying for visitors. Our strategy, being developed in close consultation with the Holy Island community, is exploring opportunities to manage visitor flow and promote other more sustainable ways of travelling to and around the island. It has been a great excuse to spend more time on the coast this summer!

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